Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Time Saver Tuesday

Mornings can be a stressful start to a new day. Maybe the alarm didn't go off, or the kids are sick, or something goes wrong with the house, or you are just running late. By planning ahead you can minimize the stress and chaos when something goes awry.

Working full time, getting myself ready and getting 2 kids dressed and fed by 7:30 each day can be challenging. In order to ensure we all make it in time I start the night before. Every evening I start by picking and laying out the kids clothes for the next day, which includes socks, shoes, underwear, pants and a shirt and if needed a jacket. I don't want to leave anything out, or it could be an issue in the morning. I also plan out my wardrobe and lay it out in my closet. I hang my towel on the shower wall so I don't have to think about getting that out in the morning when I am half asleep. All of the lunches are made and ready to go. Breakfast is also planned out by putting out the necessary plate/bowl and utensils needed and all sippy cups are prepared and ready in the fridge.

Sometimes it gets old to get all of this ready the night before, but the morning always seems to be CRAZY and by planning the night before some of the drama and chaos can be averted simply because I had it done already. If you feel like your mornings are out of control, try planning the night before by making lunches and laying out your clothes so that your mornings can be less stressful.

Leave a comment and tell me about your mornings:
Are they hectic?
Any other time saver tips for the morning?


  1. I get up at least an hour before the boys wake up, and I try to get up two hours before. I shower, check email, sip my coffee, and generally get my "adult alone time" in those hours. I also make the lunch, lay clothes out for my youngest, and organize my work and school papers and get everything ready to head out the door. That's how I deal with the hectic time!

  2. Amy that must be nice to have quiet time before the kids get up. What time do you usually get up? Did you find it hard to get out of bed? Thanks for the tip!
